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May 17, 2009 / Andy Hutchins

South Africa: Lions, Rhinos, Sunflowers, and Tours

A wounded lioness just looks like a large, sad cat.

A field of sunflowers in full bloom doesn’t look like a bunch of flowers as much as it does a carpet of brown flecked with gold.

And the sky, without a light for miles, looks like a blanket of stars.

In Africa, I’ve seen things I will never see again.


On our second day of our sojourn to a game reserve, we saw lions in the shade, giraffes from a distance, and rhinos intent on charging.

Later, I watched Bollywood movies and Disney Channel imports. We had another braai. I ate pap.

It was difficult to live up to the first three hours of the day.


The tour of Pretoria’s historical district that we took today was not boring in the traditional sense.

It transcended that.

And it’s not as if the things involved weren’t interesting: The Voortrekker Monument had a lot of cool art from the period, and the houses we visited were lifted directly from their periods.

But the tour was like being spoon-fed information. And none of us were kindergarteners.

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